At ARGAMOOD, which can be accessed via, safeguarding the privacy of our visitors stands as one of our foremost priorities. The ensuing Privacy Policy document elucidates the types of information collected and recorded by Argamood and delineates how we employ this data.

Should you harbor additional inquiries or seek further elucidation regarding our Privacy Policy, we warmly welcome you to contact us via email at

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
We operate as a Data Controller for your information.

Argamood’s legal foundation for the collection and utilization of the personal information, as detailed in this Privacy Policy, hinges upon the following circumstances:

  • Argamood necessitates this information for the performance of a contractual agreement with you.
  • You have granted explicit consent to Argamood for the acquisition and utilization of this information.
  • Processing your personal data aligns with Argamood’s legitimate interests.
  • Compliance with legal obligations mandates the collection and use of this data by Argamood.

ARGAMOOD shall retain your personal information solely for the duration necessary to fulfill the objectives delineated within this Privacy Policy. We shall preserve and employ this information exclusively to meet our legal commitments, resolve disputes, and enforce our established policies.

Should you be a resident within the European Economic Area (EEA), you are endowed with certain data protection rights. If you desire insight into the Personal Information held by us and wish for its removal from our systems, we cordially invite you to engage with us. Our Privacy Policy has been crafted in collaboration with the GDPR Privacy Policy Generator, the GDPR Privacy Policy Template, and the Privacy Policy Generator from TermsFeed.

Under specific conditions, you are entitled to exercise the following data protection rights:

  • The right to access, rectify, or delete the information we have retained concerning you.
  • The right to request correction.
  • The right to object.
  • The right to restrict processing.
  • The right to data portability.
  • The right to withdraw your previously granted consent.

Log Files:
Argamood adheres to a standard procedure encompassing the use of log files. These files record visitors’ activities when they navigate websites. This practice is standard within the realm of hosting services and forms an integral part of hosting companies’ analytical processes. The information accrued via log files encompasses internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), timestamps, referring/exit pages, and possibly the number of clicks. Notably, this data is not associated with personally identifiable information. The chief purpose of this information is to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movements, and collect demographic data.

Cookies and Web Beacons:
Much like other websites, Argamood employs ‘cookies.’ These cookies are designed to store information, including user preferences and the pages visited on the website. The data gleaned is subsequently employed to enhance users’ experiences by tailoring web page content in accordance with users’ browser types and other relevant information.

Privacy Policies:
To ascertain the Privacy Policy of each of our advertising affiliates, you may refer to this list.

Third-party ad servers or ad networks employ technologies such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons in their respective advertisements and links, which are directly delivered to users’ browsers. These technologies automatically capture your IP address when you encounter such content. Their utilization serves to gauge the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and/or personalize the advertising content encountered on websites you visit.

Please be advised that Argamood lacks access to or control over the cookies utilized by third-party advertisers.

Third-Party Privacy Policies:
It is essential to acknowledge that Argamood’s Privacy Policy does not extend to encompass other advertisers or websites. We therefore recommend that you consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more exhaustive information. These policies may include details regarding their practices and instructions on how to opt-out of specific options. You may access a comprehensive list of these Privacy Policies, along with their associated links, here: Privacy Policy Links.

To enhance your control over your online experience, you retain the option to disable cookies via the configuration settings of your specific web browser. For a comprehensive understanding of cookie management pertinent to specific web browsers, we suggest referring to the respective browser’s official website. Further information regarding cookies can be found in our guide: What Are Cookies?

Children’s Information:
Another facet of our commitment revolves around ensuring the protection of children in their online activities. We fervently encourage parents and guardians to actively engage in and supervise their children’s online interactions.

Argamood does not knowingly solicit or collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. Should you suspect that your child has inadvertently provided such information on our website, we wholeheartedly urge you to contact us forthwith. We pledge our utmost endeavors to promptly expunge such information from our records.

Online Privacy Policy Only:
This Privacy Policy, originating from, pertains exclusively to our online pursuits. It is applicable to visitors accessing our website in relation to the information they may share and/or collect through Argamood’s online platform. This policy, however, does not extend to any information procured offline or through channels distinct from this website.

By virtue of utilizing our website, you hereby convey your consent to our Privacy Policy and unequivocally agree to its stipulations.

For any further inquiries, kindly direct your correspondence to:



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